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X Open Hub Risk Management

If you are a broker who provides multiple trading platform services to your customers, you are either using Tapaas, or probably should, to get a consolidated view of your exposure across all platforms. 

It is no secret that X Open Hub is gaining more popularity among brokers and traders and is showing an increase in market share. To make sure we can support more brokers, we are pleased to announce that we have expanded our Trading platform integration services to include X Open Hub. 

Tapaas now helps you manage the Risk of X Open Hub along with other trading platforms by consuming quotes and trade data in real time from different servers and displaying consolidated views of risk exposure.  Share on X

Tapaas now helps you manage the Risk of X Open Hub along with other trading platforms by consuming quotes and trade data in real time from different servers and displaying consolidated views of risk exposure. 

To learn more about Tapaas and the different platform integrations we support, please contact us using the button further down in the page.


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