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Who doesn’t like Gelato?

As a premier SaaS technology provider, Tapaas routinely attends the iFX Expo International in Cyprus. This allows us to meet leading market brands, interact with numerous attendees, and gain insights from expert speakers.

This year, we’ve decided to be one of the sponsors. In fact, we are sponsoring the Gelato Bar! So, be sure to stop by for a refreshing treat in Cyprus’s warm weather.

Our CEO, David Hall, will travel from Australia to share his vision for Tapaas, the with no doubt robust risk management and data analytics platform. Designed to meet the stringent demands of OTC Retail Derivative Brokers, it’s a product we’re proud of. David will also serve as the Panel Moderator for “Eggs In The Basket: Risk Management Towards 2024“. It’s a fitting topic, given the critical role of risk management in our industry’s future.

Reach out if you want to learn more about how Tapaas can help you profit from insights.


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