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Tapaas 3.2 Release Notes

Most Notable Enhancements

The most notable enhancement in this release are:

  • Introduction of the Risk Alerts Manager Dashboard;
  • Dashboard Actions with Popups rather than New Windows; and
  • Significant Revaluation Performance Enhancements.

Visualisation and Dashboards

Risk Alert Management Dashboard

With this release a new dashboard has been introduced which presents the status of all Risk Alerts with information such as whether the alert is enabled, when it was last evaluated, whether it was indeed triggered and ability to view the latest alert email content in a popup.

Prior to this release, Risk Alerts were delivered by email.  But there was no quick way to view instances of the most recent alerts.  Now, any time our customers want to know what is the latest status or risk oriented alerts, they can quickly see them on the new dashboard.

Furthermore the a alert configuration tab has been added so users can view and change current alert settings and thresholds.  Previously this required a  request to tapaas support team.

Actions with Popups rather than new Windows

Leveraging a new Javascript feature of Panopticon v16.6 ( see below ) Tapaas is replacing Dashboard Actions which previously would open a new Browser Window to execute backend functions.  This was effective, but sometimes cumbersome if there were many Actions, such as Switch Book, to perform.  With this new Javascript Actions, we can popup a Dialog window to display the status of the Action or request input, and not leave the Dashboard Window.  This feature is not being used in the Alerts Manager Dashboard and will be rolled out to other dashboard actions in future releases.

Alerts and Notification

  • Profit Change Threshold added to the Successful higher frequency clients – this new threshold prevents re-alerting on the same clients until their profit for the day has changed by the amount of the threshold since previous alert.
  • Persistently Profitable Clients – this new alert requested by one of our customers, alerts when a trader’s winning streak exceeds a certain number of days.

Risk and Analytics

Significant Revaluation Performance Enhancements

The Tapaas Risk Engine continuously revalues the risk positions as market prices change.  In FX Markets, there are a large number of price updates ( Quotes ) therefore, if there are a large number of positions, revaluation must be highly optimised in order to keep Risk Exposure and PnL accurate.  Conflation is one of the techniques for optimising a computationally intensive process by reducing execution of such computations due to potentially irrelevant or immaterial events.  In this release, we have enhanced our Quote conflation algorithm to more intelligently determine which positions are affected as Quotes come in.

With this release another major change is the addition of an external revaluation engine.  This can be used to scale the platform horizontally for very large brokers.

Performance and Security

  • Panopticon (Datawatch) v16.6 Upgrade –  this upgrade of Panopticon includes significant performance improvements, visualisation enhancements and improved support for Javascript which we have used in the Action Popups described above.
  • GDPR Compliance Review – in order to assure that Tapaas, as a data Processor under the EU Regulations becoming effective 25 May, Tapaas policies, procedures and some technical enhancements have been initiated.

Scalability Enhancements to Risk Alerts Engine

In addition to adding visibility of alerts status in the dashboard, the architecture of the Risk Alerting Engine has changed to allow for parallel execution of the analytics which drive the risk alerts.  In this way, any computationally intensive alert will not block others from completing on a timely basis.

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