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Manage Risk of MT5 Transition with Tapaas

If you are a Retail FX Broker providing a Meta Trader 4  (MT4) service from MetaQuotes to your customers, and you read this article about Meta Trader 5 is the present, not the future, you are surely starting to take seriously the need to offer Meta Trader 5 (MT5) to your customers now.

Even if you are eager to offer your clients the new features or Meta Trader 5, you know, like any implementation of a critical business system, there are risks which need to be mitigated.  One of these risks is the challenge of viewing your Consolidated Risk Exposure across both MT4 and MT5 in real-time.  Also, if you are a broker with only a single MT4 server, when you introduce MT5, you  will be running at least 2 client trading servers at the same time for a transitional period while migrating clients across.  This could be months.

Tapaas Alpha is being used today by leading Retail FX Brokers to Manage the Risk of Meta Trader 5 Transition.   Tapaas consumes quote and trade data in real time from both MT4 and MT5 servers to present a real-time consolidated view of your risk exposure.  Furthermore, Tapaas normalises the two client position models in MT5, the Hedging and Netting models, into a single model to facilitate understanding and management of risk.

In addition to providing consolidated real-time risk view, Tapaas reconciles the Meta Trader 5 trades with the bridge and Liquidity Provider, in case of A Book flow, to assure every client trades has a hedge trade immediately executed.  This is particularly important for brokers who have multiple Meta servers to manage.  Any time Tapaas discovers a reconciliation break, this is alerted to the broker by email and visible on the Dashboard.

We are very excited about providing this new support for MT5.  Please contact us if you’d like to learn more.


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