Tapaas is constantly monitoring your Risk and Trading Activity in the background, 24 hours a day. The following are highlights of the sorts of Alerts available.
All Alerts and Notifications are controlled by parameters such as frequency and thresholds that are set specifically to meet each broker’s unique circumstances and limits.
A Book Imbalance
If the Client Exposure in the A Book ( STP Book ) is not fully hedged by opposing position with your Liquidity Providers, Tapaas alerts of the A Book Imbalance displaying which symbols are not balances and the Net Exposure from the Broker’s perspective. In the following example, a client long position of AUDCAD 14000 is not hedged.
Excessively Risky Client
Tapaas computes Value at Risk (VaR) on both client portfolios and broker defined portfolios such as, Warehouse ( B Book). The Excessively Risky Client Alert is sent when a client VaR exceeds a defined limit.
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