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Trader Profiling and Labelling

From using time-consuming spreadsheets to getting real-time system alerts on our dashboard – we changed the way brokers label and build trader profiles for ever.

Trader Profiling and Labelling

During one of our regular meetings, a broker asked if we could give them a Watchlist for Traders. We came back to them with a feature that enabled any number of labels to be applied to an account. Then, once we’d created the new feature, we realised that there was even more potential. In addition to Dealers applying labels, what if our analytics engine could also add labels? This would mean that Dealers could now receive alerts when certain behaviour was detected and see which accounts had been labelled by analytics. We quickly realised that we could help Dealers with their labelling of Traders by using our data and technology. If we combined the powerful analytics, visualisation and alerting capabilities of the platform, labels could deliver a whole new range of possibilities. So, we designed and built a smarter labelling system that automatically helps the dealers spot any suspect behaviour.

Trader Profiling and Labelling (TPL) is a feature developed by Tapaas which instantly flags unusual Trader activity that breaches policy, anything from extraordinary profit runs to risky or illegal actions such as participating in market manipulation strategies. The system tags the account accordingly for things like Scalpers, Toxic traders or Martingales. Dealers can now place more context around their accounts, building Trader Profiles that can inform colleagues or be referred to in the future when similar events occur.

How TPL works in reality

Tapaas might send an alert about a Trader suddenly making a large profit. This by itself may not be cause for alarm. However, if that Trader had previously been labelled as Toxic by the in-built Tapaas analytics, then a sudden burst of profit might warrant immediate action. The ability for Tapaas or the Dealer to apply labels to Trader accounts means the profiles are up-to-date and more comprehensive, which in turn improves risk-taking decisions. Labels can be added, edited or removed by the Dealer at any time. The labels are split into 3 categories:  System Labels – These labels are assigned by Tapaas directly to the Trader account. User Labels – These labels are assigned by the Dealer to a Trader account. Manage Exclusions – Overrides System Labels, preventing Trader accounts being labelled twice.

How TPL has helped our brokers?

Feedback from our customers has been very positive. By offering Dealers real-time Trader Profile Labels with the information they require, TPL has empowered brokers to better manage their risk. These labels give our customers a clear view on the status of different accounts at a glance. They make monitoring accounts easier and allow brokers to make more informed decisions. It’s this confidence that allows our customers to take on more risk, and thus grow their business.

Is risk your bitch?

In the FX trading world, the difference between success and failure lies in your approach to risk management. Tapaas delivers real-time data that lets you identify, calculate and review your risk in an instant. Find out how we help brokers profit from risk and make it their bitch. Apply here for a demonstration of Tapaas.


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